By Unknown Kamis, 30 Juli 2015 Paper Papercut Creative and unique Paper Art by Anatoly Vorobyev - Si Bejo unique Russia-based paper artist Anatoly Vorobyev of Papercutout created these gorgeous paper artworks. This white sea coral is made out of hundred...
By Unknown Rabu, 22 Juli 2015 Paper Papercut Portraits Realistic Creative and unique Hand-Carves Photorealistic Portraits by Yoo Hyun - Si Bejo unique Korean artist Yoo Hyun hand-cut photorealistic paper portraits using an X-acto knife, tweezers, and large sheets of paper. Check his instagr...
By Unknown Selasa, 14 Juli 2015 Maude White Paper Papercut Creative and unique Delicate Cut Paper Flowers by Maude White - Si Bejo unique Buffalo-based artist Maude White (previously here ) is back with a new series of illustrations cut from single sheets of paper as part of he...
By Unknown Senin, 13 Juli 2015 Eric Standley Paper Papercut Creative and unique New Laser-Cut Paper Art by Eric Standley - Si Bejo unique Artist Eric Standley (previously here ) is back with his new intricate laser-cut stacked paper that inspired by Islamic and Gothic architect...
By Unknown Minggu, 21 Juni 2015 Paper Papercut Creative and unique Paper Profiles by Dan Tobin Smith and Rachel Thomas - Si Bejo unique London-based photographer Dan Tobin Smith collaborate with set designer and art director Rachel Thomas to create these silhouetted woman pro...
By Unknown Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015 Installation Mural Paper Paper Sculpture Papercut Creative and unique Paper Mural by Mlle Hipolyte - Si Bejo unique French illustrator and paper designer Mlle Hipolyte (previously here ) constructed this mural installation made by hand-cut papers. "I ...